Syed Saleem Shahzad reports: After the attack on the Sri Lankan team, Pakistani military officials met with Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the chief of the Jamaatut Dawa, which is linked to the Lashkar-e-Taiba, as well as the commander-in-chief of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi. They asked the men, both of whom are under house arrest, to use their influence to get the militants to agree to a ceasefire. But Saeed and Lakhvi said they no longer had influence, and that if they ventured into North Waziristan it was most likely they would be captured or killed by the militants as they were now seen as Islamabad's proxies.
A group of militants once associated with the Harkat-e-Jihad-i-Islami and the Lashkar-e-Taiba - groups with strong roots to the struggle over divided Kashmir - a few days ago traveled to Lahore from a militant camp in the North Waziristan town of Razmak, a year-round hill station situated at the crossroads of North Waziristan and South Waziristan. After surveying a few potential targets, the militants selected the police training center for the attack on Monday morning. Several of the main gunmen were dressed in police uniforms, backed by juniors to provide them with cover.
After killing a number of cadets and taking many others hostage, the lead militants slipped away from the scene, leaving behind a few men to keep the shootout with security forces going, which they did for eight hours.
However, Baitullah Mehsud calls up BBC and other western agencies and claimed responsibility for the commando assault on the police academy in Lahore, and threatened further atrocities, not just in Pakistan but in Afghanistan and even in America.
"We wholeheartedly take responsibility for this attack and will carry out more such attacks in future,” he said. “It’s revenge for the drone attacks in Pakistan.”
Mehsud said that he had set up a council of mujahedeen (holy warriors) bringing together different militant groups “to step up attacks on US and Nato forces in Afghanistan".
He shrugged off the US bounty on his head ($5 million), saying his militants would continue their assaults in Pakistan and Afghanistan and could even mount attacks in the United States.
“You can’t imagine how we could avenge this threat inside Washington, inside the White House,” he said. “The maximum they can do is martyr me. We will exact our revenge on them from inside America. Very soon we will take revenge from America, in Washington, which will amaze the entire world."
Baitullah has risen to prominence in jihadi circles after defeating the Paksitani military during a series of hard-fought battles over the past several years. The military and government signed a peace agreement with Baitullah, which ceded control of South Waziristan to the Taliban.
Mehsud now has the support of the Pakistan militant groups that were banned in 2001, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, which are largely based in Punjab. The alliance has become much broader. The peace deal in Swat, which is under the control of his group has also given him extra authority.
Baitullah statements were made one day after the Fedayeen-e-Islam, a front terror group for the Jaish-e-Mohammed, claimed credit for the attack. The Fedayeen-e-Islam operates from South Waziristan and is closely allied with Baitullah's Taliban forces.
Long War Journalstates: “The claims are not contradictory, as both groups work closely together under the aegis of the Lashkar al Zil, or the Shadow Army, the paramilitary terror alliance operating along the Pakistan-Afghan border. The Shadow Army is made up of elements from the the Taliban, al Qaeda, the Haqqani Network, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, and a host of Pakistani jihadi terror groups.”
Hence, if LeT or JeM or Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for the Lahore attacks, they are all probably telling the truth.
ISI created Lashkar e Taiba (LeT), Jaish e Mohammad (JeM), Taliban etc and the GODFATHER of both Taliban and Lashkar e Taiba is known as Hamid Gul (retd – ISI Head).
When Baitullah Mehsud claims to attack Washington the first thing that will come to mind will be false / misplaced bravado – after all what can a rag tag Afghan hiding in the mountains have the logistics to carry out a well coordinated attack within USA. Coordinated attacks within Pakistan is one thing, but in USA – now that is a whole different ball game. In comes Al-Qaeda – the 9/11 masterminds with logistics.
However I completely disagree with this theory that Al-Qaeda too could have carried out 9/11 – the logistics, planning, cannot have been all planned by Osama bin Laden or even Khaled Sh Md (a Pakistani who was born in Kuwait and Pakistan was trying to fob Khaled Sheikh as a Kuwaiti, now in US custody).
I am making the charge here again. ISI planned and executed 9/11. I have written about it in: Before the next 9/11 pay the Senators off. Pakistan was a failing state prior to 9/11, economically weak - suddenly after 9/11, Washington poured billions into it, and I am sure a few American politicians and generals made few bucks too!
Hence if there is actually an attack in Washington, leave aside the conspiracy theorists who will say CIA staged the attack on its soil using “Aghan patsies” – closer to the truth will be it will again be an ISI operation. And with indirect Chinese assistance.
Baitullah Mehsud is saying what his ISI / Al-Qaeda masters are telling him to say.
Just as ISI requested Al-Qaeda to say, "India should know that it will have to pay a heavy price if it attacks Pakistan," al-Yazid said in the 20-minute video in Arabic that was received by the BBC in Islamabad. "The mujahedin will sunder your armies into the ground like they did to the Russians in Afghanistan."
Al-Qaeda was not interested in India, is the ISI which has brought about this change – a price for using Pakistan soil.
Why would the ISI attack US in US when it can attack them in Afghanistan?
Pakistan senses US as a wounded superpower. A single attack which might cost Pakistan a total of USD 1 million, will cause upwards of a trillion dollar loss in US (Dow Jones tanking, dollar plummeting, confidence level nose diving, air travel etc slowing down). This will clearly slow down American adventurism and it staying power in Afghanistan. When it is thus weakened, the Taliban / Al-Qaeda combine will launch massive attacks which will make the war very costly for the US / NATO – leading to their withdrawal.
As Hamid Gul mentioned: "increasing number of troops in Afghanistan would only add to the problems of America and predicted defeat for foreign forces within two years."
Why does Pakistan feel threatened enough /brave enough to attack the US ?
The US has finally understood the double game that Pakistan has been playing with US, as far as Taliban and fighting insurgents went. And Pakistan feels it can bribe its way out of an attack, just as it did after 9/11. And if US bombs the tribal areas, no one really will get hurt other than civilians which will then get angrier with the US - something that Pakistan wants anyway.
For a brilliant analysis read the Long War Journal article: Analysis: US outlines new Afghanistan strategy.
Some of the point LWJ mentions in that article:
1. Since 2001, the US has provided over $10 billion in aid to Pakistan. Billions of dollars of this aid is unaccounted for. The US has conducted more than 50 airstrikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas as well as several ground raids in an effort to dismantle al Qaeda and Taliban leadership and training nodes. During this time, the Taliban have taken over most of the Northwest Frontier Province, often via negotiations with the government. Quetta remains the location of the Taliban's executive leadership council, while the greater Baluchistan province hosts scores of training camps and recruitment centers, and large swaths are under Taliban control. Elements within Pakistan's intelligence service and the military continue to actively support the Taliban and other terrorist groups such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2. The US military plans to push the troops into the hot spots, mainly Kandahar and Helmand, the two most violent provinces in Afghanistan, as well as the provinces of Kunar, Paktia, Paktika, Khost, and Ghazni in the east, where the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and Hizb-e-Islam Gulbuddin are strong. The plan is to take the fight into areas that have become enemy sanctuaries.
3. The Army and police will need to be even larger than the 2011 goal; some estimates indicate there needs to be more than 400,000 members in the Afghan security forces for them to ultimately secure the country and fight the insurgency.
4. The Taliban’s leadership and their primary sponsor, the Pakistani ISI, have systematically weeded out many Taliban members who are not ideologically committed. The US and the Coalition must take care not to waste political capital and limited resources, and avoid getting bogged down in these phantom negotiations. The senior level, as well as most of the mid-level Taliban, Haqqani, and HIG leaders are not going to reconcile. And reports of divisions between Mullah Omar and the Taliban are false. In fact, these groups have become more interdependent since the US invasion in 2001.
US now has a crystal clear view on ISI and its plans.
Where US has really upset the Pakistan, is by bringing in SCO in Afghanistan. It has not actually done so yet, but has shown intent. By bringing in Iran, China, Russia and India to play a role in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s clout for mischief will significantly go down. None of the above countries and including US want a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - again!
But Taliban take over of Afghanistan is exactly what Pakistan wants. What next?
Let us look at Hamid Gul, the Godfather of Taliban and Lashkar e Taiba. Right after 26/11, he stated that he wished for India to attack or threaten to attack Pakistan, as that will bring about the different factions of Taliban to unite under one umbrella to fight India. See this video where he almost smirks when he said " If these 10 boys could do so much damage, imagine what the situation in India if 12,000 of these boys went over."
Voila, Baitullah Mehsud (Tehrik e Taliban, Pakistan) and Mustafa Abu al-Yazid (Al Qaeda) threatened to attack India, if India dared to attack Pakistan. Very kosher !
And ISI Directorate chief Lieutenant-General Shuja Pasha hailed jihadist leaders Baitullah Mehsud and Mullah Fazlullah as “true patriots” for offering to fight India.”
And now, this same Baitullah Mehsud is attacking institutions in Pakistan. Does he still remain a patriot? (HE DOES TO HAMID GUL)
Baituallah Mehsud is merely carrying out orders of ISI. If there is anything that ISI fears most – it is neither India nor the USA. It is the entho-lingusitic forces within Pakistan raising their heads for greater freedom – be it Balochis, Sindhis, Northern Areas, or even Pashto speakers demanding Pashtunistan. The Army / ISI believe that Islam is the binding force that will keep Pakistan as a single entity and Talibanisation of Pakistan is a small price to pay for that. After all, majority within the Pakistan Army are already Talibanised. Earlier it was the bogey of Kashmir that kept the Pakistanis united - today Pakistan needs something stronger.
The process of Islamisation based on strict interpretation of Islam was started under Zia ul Haq. The religious fanatics then taken in at junior levels are now in senior positions within the Army / ISI. Musharraf was himself a harcore Deobandi and his candidature was forwarded to Zia ul Haq by Jamaat e Islami.
For a quick tour on Deobandi teachings go to this article: INTROSPECTING THE DEOBAND MADRASSAS.
Hamid Gul very recently stated: (Mar 28th 2009) “We should be ready to lead the world and for this, we need ideological educational institutions," he said, maintaining that there were lot of schools pushing students against the ideology of Islam and Pakistan.
In such circumstances, there was need for ideological institutions across Pakistan, he underlined. He said Pakistan was not formed for economic gains or other petty reasons rather it was formed to lead the world after providing a practical and workable Islamic model to govern people. He said his aim of life was to promote this idea and he was not retired or tired and the enemies of Pakistan knew it well. "Pakistan and Islam are tied to each other," he concluded.
If Iran and Saudi Arabia can be run on Sharia, one took a revolution the other swords, Pakistan too can go that way with a mixture of both. Taliban brings in that potent mix to bring Sharia over the whole of Pakistan.
Talking to a private news channel Hamid Gul said the drone attacks were counter-productive and were an infringement of sovereignty of the country.He said the people of Pakistan have already voiced through the parliament their anguish and dismay over the drone attacks.
Whatever Baitullah is saying – is it any different from Hamid Gul’s? No, it is not.
Hamid Gul wanted to get rid off Benazir and it was Baitullah Mehsud who gave Hamid Gul his cherished wish.
Hamid Gul, Nawaz Sharif, and Osama bin Laden conspire to assassinate Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. ISI Director Hamid Gul contacted Osama bin Laden, who was then known to provide financial support to Afghan mujaheddin, to pay for a coup/assassination of Bhutto. Gul also brings Nawaz Sharif, then the governor of Punjab province and a rival of Bhutto, into the plot. Bin Laden agrees to provide $10 million on the condition that Sharif transforms Pakistan into a strict Islamic state, which Sharif accepts.
Nawaz wanted to meet Osama in person and this was arranged in Saudi Arabia town of Medina at Green Palace Hotel.
In one of the meetings Osama reportedly asked Nawaz to devote himself to jihad. Nawaz replied, 'I love jihad'. Unimpressed, Osama stood up and pointing to a pillar in the room said, "Yes, you may love jihad, but your love for jihad is this much," indicating a very small part of the pillar. 'Your love for your children is this much," pointing to a larger portion. "And your love for your parents is this much," he continued, pointing towards the largest portion. "I agree that you love jihad, but this love is the smallest in proportion to your other affections in life."
However, to Osama's dismay the argument went over Nawaz Sharif's head. (LOL!)
Gul further said : “No super power could change the destiny.”
Let us go back to what Gul said earlier: “We should be ready to lead the world and for this, we need ideological educational institutions”. Of course these educational institutions are madrassas that are run on Deobandi curricula.
What is Gul trying to say – when he talks about : “Pakistan leading the world, No one can change destiny, Pakistan and Islam are tied to each other.”
To understand this – one has to go looking into religious books and Hadiths.
(Will discuss this over 3 parts in this month – giving just a small perspective here).
Hadith: They are oral traditions relating to the words and deeds of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (SAW). Hadith collections are regarded by all traditional schools of jurisprudence as important tools for determining the Muslim way of life, the sunnah.
A hadith consists of two aspects: the text of the report (matn) containing the actual narrative; and the chain of narrators (isnad, or sanad), which documents the route by which the report has been transmitted. The "sanad" is so named due to the reliance of the hadith specialists upon it in determining the authenticity or weakness of a hadith. The sanad consists of a ‘chain’ of the narrators each mentioning the one from whom they heard the hadith until mentioning the originator of the matn along with the matn itself. The first people who received hadith were the companions; so they preserved and understood it, knowing both its generality and particulars, and then conveyed it to those after them as they were commanded. Then the generation following them, the Followers received it thus conveying it to those after them and so on. So the companion would say, “I heard the Prophet say such and such.” The Follower would then say, “I heard a companion say, ‘I heard the Prophet.’” The one after him (after the Follower) would then say, “I heard someone say, ‘I heard a Companion say, ‘I heard the Prophet …’’” and so on.
The important thing is that even thought Hadiths can be considered weak – they are never considered false. Hence, weak hadiths too have been used to serve a purpose. The following Hadith is a weak Hadith, yet the Salafi / Deobandi followers abide by it as this is what is indoctrinated in them by their religious teachers.
Taliban was a brainchild of ISI and Hamid Gul, based on the following Hadith:
“Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (RA) that Prophet (SAW) said: A Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some “Khair” (because of them being needy) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people (who did not give them what they asked). Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice.”
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) lived most his life in Makkah and the last 10 years in Medina in present day Saudi Arabia. Geographically there are only three Muslim countries, today, in exact east of Saudi Arabia i.e. Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. So it becomes easy for us to establish that whoever this army of black flags is, it belongs to one or more of these three countries.
We have been told that the black banners will conquer Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and other countries leading upto Palestine and hejaz.
At-Tuwaijiri's Ithaf al-Jama'a, Vol. 1, pp. 365-366.
Ghazwatul Hind:
Thawban - may Allah be pleased with him - that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "Two groups of my umma Allah has protected from the hellfire: a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with 'Isa b. Maryam - 'alaihimas- salat was-salam." Reported Ahmad, an-Nisa'i, and at-Tabarani.
Na'im b. Hammad in al-Fitan reports that Abu Huraira - may Allah be pleased with him - said that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) mentioned India and said, "A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them [India] until they come with its kings chained - Allah having forgiven their sins - when they return back [from India], they will find Ibn Maryam in Syria."
Incidentally both the falgs of Taliban (army) and Al-Qaeda are black in colour (Taliban has a white flag that deals with government) . The flag of Taliban army was deliberately made black, by the ISI, to ensure that this Hadith comes alive.

These warriors of Islam cannot really be expected to fight the final battle without having nuclear weapons and it has been Al-Qaeda’s cherished desire to own at least one.
In my previous article I had written that almost all of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are kept in Sarghoda air-base and nearby places. Hamid Gul is himself from Sarghodha. And Sargodha is just west of Lahore. Destabilizing Lahore with attacks that Baitullah Mehsud carried out, brings Hamid Gul to his cherished desire of laying his hands on the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. As the head of Taliban, he can then lead the Taliban warriors to the glorious path as laid out in the Hadith. It is well known that Dr AQ Khan is a member of Lashkar e Taiba. The religious affliations of Khalid Kidwai are not known.
Many of you will have a desire to laugh this off and think it is too far fetched. All I can say, look back at events and incidents and you will see a pattern emerging. And in future too, this will run its course.
BuA (Bengal Under Attack) analysis:
1. ISI created Taliban not only for strategic depth in Afghanistan but to take control of oil & gas reserves of Central Asian regions who have Islamic dispensation.
2. To further the religious base of Taliban, the story of “army with black flags” taking over India and ending with planting of their flag over Al-Asqa mosque in Israel drove in the recruits for a holy war.
3. It is being taught to the militants that the US knowing of this Hadeeth and other such writings are putting up their bases along the so-called path that these warriors will take from Khorasan (present day Afghanistan) to Israel.
4. ISI and Pakistan Army’s game of double dealing with Taliban has been found out – hence they have to take steps one way or another. Rather than supporting US / NATO forces, the ideological forces in ISI are planning to hit USA where it hurts most to bring about their economic downfall. An attack inside mainland US will have disastrous consequences within USA. If the US feels that it was carried out by a bunch of rag tag Taliban, then they cannot fight and win the war. If however US targets Rawalpindi HQ of Pakistan Army – it will win the war.
5. The nuclear assets of Pakistan are already in the hands of Taliban sympathizers within Pakistan Army. Look at the close co-ordination between Pakistan Army and LeT in Mumbai attacks. Col. Sadatullah was just one name that was openly mentioned.
6. Hamid Gul will try to engineer another spectacular attack within India prior to elections. Remember how just prior to 9/11, Ahmed Shah Masoud was killed in Afghanistan. The Indian attacks will be the one such prelude to a bigger attack (hope it is not the other way around).
7. A few more attacks within Pakistan, and Taliban who are already in the cities, will actually take over. The nuclear assets in Sarghodha are in a clear and present danger. Even if India / USA are dithering on this issue, I am sure Israel has very different plans. But alone it can do nothing.
8. Nawaz Sharif once promised to both Osama bin Laden and Hamid Gul that when he comes to power he will make Pakistan a strict Islamic state (meaning: Sharia is imposed). We must never lose sight of this fact or incident !
And as we hear that Security agencies in INDIA have been placed on high alert following an intelligence report that 7-8 trained pilots and around a dozen women fidayeen (suicide bombers) have entered the country on a mission to carry out terror strikes and hijackings - do you really think that Baitullah Mehsud will be sending them? Will he from his remote hideout carry out the logistics of terrorists undertaking courses on flying an aircraft?
Of course not. This will be again a covert Pakistani military operation, handed out to terror outfits who will then hand it further down. Baitullah Mehsud can well call up and say that he takes credit, but please do not insult our intelligence here !
However important this time will be the speed and ferocity of Indian response after such an attack.

My wish: India just blasts away the terror camps in POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir), blows the house of Dawood Ibrahim to smithereens and Brahmos takes out the ISI building (after all DRDO claims its Block II version can find a "building" from a cluster of buildings).
And if the trained terror pilots' mission is to free Kasav, then we will never negotiate - let them blow the plane - we must never give in. Period !
Action is greater than inaction. Perform therefore thy task in life. Even the life of the body could not be if there were no action.
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»BuA
Wow, this is awesome stuff.
So, what is your prediction regarding this?
What are the chances that Taliban/ISI/PAK will be able to launch a attack inside of US.
Its more like, It requires US of A just a sneeze to wipe out Afganistan/Pakistan.
Very interesting and a different analysis of the events.
You wrote: "Hamid Gul very recently stated: “We should be ready to lead the world and for this, we need ideological educational institutions," he said, maintaining that there were lot of schools pushing students against the ideology of Islam and Pakistan. "
Now, if I remember correctly, this is exactly what the Taliban stated in SWAT valley before blowing up the girls schools. They only wanted madrassas there.
Is this what Hamid Gul wants - Pakistan to have only madrassas and all western institutes to be closed down.
Baitullah Mehsud has become the symbol of terrorism in Pakistan and Pakistan must get him soon to thwart this terror wave. He is the beacon of terrorism in Pakistan and was most probably involved in Benazir’s murder. He is being supported by India in his deadly mission to kill as many Muslims as possible while protecting Al-Qaida with the help of Indian station master based in Jalabad & Kandahar.
By Sikander Hayat
Mr Hayat,
You do not seem to be the type who is "unintelligent". However your remarks do not do your intelligence justice.
Anyone against the state of Pakistan is RAW funded according to average Pakistani. Why are you toeing that flawed premise.
Was the storming of Lal Masjid done by RAW or was it done by Musharraf?
Is that not the main reason why Baitullah is against Musharraf then?
The next hostage situation will ask for Lal Masjid's revered cleric released, now lodged in your jail.
Still you are willing to blame RAW and not look at the terror menace staring at your face, for policies that were encouraged by Pakistani military forces, starting in an organized manner by Zia.
Probably you should revert back on the Ghazwatul Hind and the Hadith mentioned in this article by BuA - will await a cultured response.
Long War Journal states: "The Taliban receive training for such attacks at training facilities in Pakistan's northwest as well as in Baluchistan province. The Taliban trains with al Qaeda and other allied jihadi groups inside of Pakistan and some Taliban fighters become members of al Qaeda's Shadow Army, the elite paramilitary force operating in the Afghan/Paksitani region."
While all this may be true, what is the ideological goal driving them? Is it merely to take control of Afghanistan or is it something beyond. My take is - something beyond.
Using Hadith as an operational tool, these planners in GHQ Rawalpindi and in ISI HQ plan out attacks meticulously. See, how they are panned out across regions and in order.
If US attacks, it will increase enmity in Pakistan / Afghanistan towards the US.
If US does not attack, it will increase the forces of "evil" within Pakistan which in any case will increase the enmity with US.
It is better to increase enmity, therefore, by fighting the forces of evil - i.e. forces that do not understand liberty and free speech, women's rights etc.
If US / Japan sit and watch the N Korean missile go unhindered, it increases the forces of evil too - that they can pretty much do anything.
Hence, Taliban will do the next best thing now - stage attacks in India / Pakistan. For India has show its spinelessness by sitting quiet after the audacious Mumbai attacks - giving the message to the militants and its backers - India is weak and cannot fight.
Bang On !!
My VIUS (very imp US source) who has met Hamid Gul, tells me that Gul is ideologically changed and is completely committed to the Islamic cause. For him it is neither a gimmick or a strategy. That is dangerous!
Mr Hayat,
I think Anon's response says it all - and I am in agreement with the views mentioned there.
The revolution in Pakistan will be brutal and swift. BuA - you always give the example of Iran / S Arabia for revolutions and forget that right next door how the Maoist revolution took place. The security apparatus stays neutral in most cases.
PAKISTAN: A few thousand violent individuals- TALIBAN - can well take over a country if the general population is supine and the security apparatus sympathetic. As can be seen, the security apparatus is certainly SYMPATHETIC.
Hence ‘Taliban takeover’ does not necessarily mean a regime that places Baitullah Mehsud or a similar character in power. It could well place the army chief or even a politician at the helm, leave the civil bureaucracy largely intact, but replace the tattered 1973 constitution with the sharia. It won’t take long for the assorted jihadi groups in Pakistan’s cities and the countryside to start moral policing and dispense Taliban justice. The few thousand tribesmen are not alone—there are several tens of thousands of jihadis and jihadi sympathisers who can be mobilised for consolidating the revolution. Don’t forget their organisational capabilities were recognised to be superior to that of the Pakistani government in the aftermath of the earthquake in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir in 2005.
Is this for REAL?
You BET !!
Gazwatul Hind is next after the revolution in Pakistan.
The SWAT peace deal will be off in a couple of days.
70 Taliban had stormed the home of a former federal minister and leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Q - a major breech of the peace agreement.
This will cause an all out war in the NWFP in Pakistan and a militant with Baitullah said: "Before Pakistan could strike the mujahideen into oblivion, we struck first, all around North-West Frontier Province. The war is on. The next thing that is going to happen is the breaking up of the Swat peace deal and the opening up of a war theater. This will shatter the entire American plans in the region and Pakistan will be left with no choice but to surrender to the will of the mujahideen."
If that happens maybe that "revolution" is really up and close.
In any case, Pakistan will engineer a serious trouble in India to keep things boiling and make one last ditch attempt to instigate us to fight them - with the faint hope that militants will gang up with Pakistan against India, thus save them the blushes in the Frontier Regions.
Very unlikely, India will pause and wait.
BuA - hitting terrorist camps in POK will also be playing into their hands. But I like the idea of "exterminating" Dawood.
I was laughing when I read Lakhvi and Saeed refused to go to Waziristan for fear of getting killed. Cruel are the ways of jehad!
In Kandahar hijacking PM's office chickened out..we should have bombed out the Indian Airlines Boeing along with Taliban technicals that ringed the plane in the airport. Blast overpressure is a quick way to die than slitting the throat one by one. Narendra Modi or Mayawati would gladly do it...
Its also strange that our intelligence people allowed Dawood to celebrate his daughters' marriage with Miandand's son peacefully in Dubai. Surely, a truck bomb wouldn't have been too much for that occasion. Those who died in Mumbai 93 blasts (and other countless acts since then)too had daughters and dream for life..
We really suck bigtime..
I have no qualm in admitting that I badly seek another Mumbai 26/11 type urban operation (in India)so that our elite would wake up and smell the coffee.
BUA u know that if India attacks Pak then Taliban morons will come under a cumulative anti-india label, like what hamid gul said. Then later u ask to attack pakistan. What's best we do considering long term goals?
Our love affair with Dawood baffles me. Fine, there are these corrupt elements, mostly politicians in Maharashtra and UP - but its been one sided.
Dawood can send his henchmen for attacks in Mumbai, sending "supari" to kill Varun, Modi, Advani, Ajmal Kasav etc - and what - our politicians are subservient to Dawood. We have all become hijras if we cannot kill Dawood. Nothing less will be tolerable. And we must FINISH Dawood's paid politicians one way or another.
Laloo Prasad Yadav took another step in ever increasing appeasement to minorities. The mafia criminal (terrorist) don Md. Sahabuddin's wife, the devout (what else!) Heena Sahab gets a Lok Sabha ticket from Laloo's RJD party.
Incidentally, Sahabuddin's eldest son's name is OSAMA and Heena has studied in school named after DAWOOD.
Brilliant - these are the people we are going to put in charge of INDIA.
@Anon 8:23 PM
Yes I know, but its my frustration at India not doing anything in Pakistan - not worthwhile at least.
Attacking Pakistan is not the best option and I have stated that elsewhere - but I need to know RAW is one first line of defense. I want to see Dawood dead!
Period. Nothing short of that is going to be accepted.
PAKISTAN's Information Minister for NWFP Iftikhar Hussain said that 95 per cent of Pakistan’s problems could be resolved if the country ‘stopped interfering in AFGHAN affairs’ and that Talibanisation is a ‘foreign-funded agenda supported by Pakistani agencies which has facilitated blood bath across Pakistan.’
‘Its strange that we put others in trouble and think all will be well here, if we kill them its Jihad, if we destroy their schools its Jihad, if we destroy their country it is termed jihad and if all this BOUNCES ON US than we wonder why it happened.’
Brilliant !
ISI is being painted the culprit from within Pakistan. Bravo - now you guys are on your way to self-realization, which will be followed by policies, then action - if ISI lets you guys do it :)
Brilliant ... With people like doing their bit to awake people like me, I am sure we will be able to take bull by its horn. We need to clean-up our democracy first so that we can then handle both the internal and external enemies.
Dear blogger bhai, please read other perspectives too. You highlight the indian point of view at things. all stories have multiple points of view. please take some time to read pakistani perspectives from various sources. One umbrella source is I, a Pakistani read all perspectives. While your version can make sense, take out some time to read the other side too, which clearly suggests Indian involvement in Pakistani troubles (nothing new).
I also want to make it clear to Indian peoples that Pakistan is not enjoying whats happening in Pakistan currently involving bombing, abduction and other tragedies on a daily basis. Similarly India doesnt like terror in its homeland. Then why blame Pakistan when we ourselfs are having it worse than you?
We have already bore the brunt of helping others. We helped USA on war of terror after 9/11 and what we got? Loss of a regional ally and strategic land of Afghanistan and a loss of life far greater than USA's from 9/11.
As such while I would love Pakistan to help India bring the 26/11 perpetrators to justice if they ever exist in Pakistan, I would have to say no thanks. Because only god knows what that favor will land us into.
Lets handle our own problems. The only joint problem is Kashmir. That can be handled once these major headaches are over.
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Dear Pakistani above,
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