Before we read Ajmal’s confessional statement – let us rewind a bit and look at the various voices that were emanating from Pakistan before this.
First the obvious bit – that the terrorists were not from Pakistan and were obviously “home grown” (meaning INDIAN). These terrorists were even wearing “saffron” strings around their wrists – the basic point had been to divert attention to Hindu radical groups. At some stage, some people in Pakistan opined that these group were Israelis and US special ops too.
The grand design of Pakistan had been to take advantage of the Col. Purohit arrest and utilize the fractured Indian opinion on terror groups (the idiotic debate between Islamic and Hindu terrorism) – to disguise jehadis as “saffron terrorists” by giving them saffron threads around the wrist. An obvious childish attempt to pass them off as “Hindu terrorists”.
However, one thing did not go according to plan. Due to brave police action (who just had antiquated weapons and “lathi” (wooden sticks)), they managed to capture one terrorist alive. The significance of this cannot be even told or explained, that of catching a terrorist ALIVE on a suicide mission – but this dealt a “severe” blow to the deniability cover of “terrorism Wal Mart operations” of Pakistan.
The Observer newspaper of UK stated: “An Observer investigation has established that the lone surviving gunman caught by Indian police during last week's terrorist attacks on Mumbai came from a village in the Okara district of the Pakistani Punjab. A villager, who cannot be named for his own protection, said the village was an active recruiting ground for the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. 'We know that boy [caught in Mumbai] is from Faridkot,' he said. 'We knew from the first night [of the attack]. They brainwash our youth about jihad, there are people who do it in this village. It is so wrong,' he added.
For the full article – CLICK HERE
During the course of Dawn’s own investigations last week our reporters were able to locate a family who claimed to be the kin of the arrested young man in Mumbai. However, the man who said he was Amir Kasab confirmed to Dawn that the young man whose face had been beamed over the media was his son.
For the next few minutes, the fifty-something man of medium build agonized over the reality that took time sinking in, amid sobs complaining about the raw deal the fate had given him and his family.
“I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it could not have been my son,” he told Dawn in the courtyard of his house in Faridkot, a village of about 2,500 people just a few kilometres from Deepalpur on the way to Kasur. “Now I have accepted it.
“This is the truth. I have seen the picture in the newspaper. This is my son Ajmal.”
However, Pakistan continues to deny. President Zardari went to air that he was not convinced yet that the “terrorists came from Pakistan” yet at the same breath stated “there may be non-state actors from Pakistan who could have perpetrated the Mumbai carnage.”
Pranab Mukherjee, India's external affairs minister, while replying to the Parliament today, stated " DO THESE NON-STATE ACTORS FALL FROM HEAVEN OR DO THEY COME FROM ANOTHER PLANET?" Ha ha ... you got to give it to him.
Back to the serious issue.
By this time, we Indians are familiar with Pakistani flip-flop. Giving Pakistan “proof” only means that the “proof disappears”. What were the results of “Parliament Attack”, “Indian Embassy bombing in Kabul” – proof was given and when it came to action – NOTHING.
Even today, there is no need to rejoice at banning of Jamaat ud Dawa. Pakistan will make cursory “detaining” – note “not arresting”. Then, lack of evidence will allow the main perpetrators to go out scot free when “world’s attention is low”. Like Jamaat ud Dawa was spawned after Laskhar e Taiba was banned, what is likely to happen is that another front organization with a new name and a new building will come up – with the same terror agenda and infrastructure.
To substantiate what I am stating : Since Zakiur Rahman has been caught "on the act" for the Mumbai attacks, the ISI bosses and Jamaat ut Dawa head Hafiz Saeed are pondering means to cut losses and move ahead. Here is a snippet of conversation with Hafiz Saeed - Asked why the Jamaat's camp in Muzaffarabad was raided by Pakistani security forces on Sunday, Saeed said the troops had conducted an operation against the office of a "Kashmiri group".
"There was no operation on any Jamaat-ud-Dawa office. As far as Zakiur Rehman (Lakhvi) is concerned, he is a leader of a Kashmiri group. He should not be linked to Jamaat-ud-Dawa (J-U-D)," he claimed.
Nothing is going to change in Pakistan. We know the Pakistani mindset and it does not, rather cannot afford PEACE with INDIA. When Vajpayee went with peace offering to Pakistan, the Generals (Musharraf specially) were plotting KARGIL. So yes, we know PAKISTAN very well.
They day they got nuclear weapons – 1989, the Kashmir insurgency started. YES, we know PAKISTAN.
And do not show me the “secular Pakistan” the “Asma Jahangirs” – of course they exist but they are helpless. The power belongs to Paksitan Army and ISI that controls these terror groups – hence to us that is the PAKSITAN we have to deal with. And they do not want any PEACE with INDIA.
It’s time to SHUT UP, and time for ACTION.
1. Action by putting pressure on Pakistan through UN
2. Action through NAVAL blockade even if it hurts NATO supplies through Karachi
3. Action through covert operations to make “cost high” for the planners who sit in AC rooms of Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi.
4. Taking out of high value targets in Pakistan – including DAWOOD IBRAHIM, HAMID GUL, JAVED NASIR, HAFIZ SAEED, ZAKIUR RAHMAN LAKHVI, KHALID KHAWAJA, MAHMOOD AHMED, MOHD. AZIZ, MASOOD AZHAR, QARI SAIFULLAH AKHTAR etc etc (list endless, but one can start with them)
5. Action through air force
6. If all else fails, or when the time is right, go for WAR. (no other soft option exists – giving time means more terrorists, more pain). And yes, WE DO NOT FEAR A NUCLEAR EXCHANGE. It’s better if it happens – the entity of PAKISTAN as it exists today will cease to be. Yes, India too will be hurt, but will not cease to exist. (NOT MY WORDS – WORDS OF AN INDIAN EX-ARMY GENERAL)
And a typical look at the PAKSITANI view on the MUMBAI attacks – this by an eminent journalist in PAKISTAN – Humanyun Gauhar.
He states: “There are so many holes in these stories. Onlookers remember the militants drinking beer just before the attacks. Would Muslims driven by religious zeal convinced that they are going to heaven drink alcohol before going to their deaths for crying out loud, even as a decoy? Not on your life. The militants knew all the joints well, which means that they must have inside (Indian) help. They took days to stash arms and ammunition in the hotels. Were your guys asleep or in cahoots? Don’t rule out the possibility that some of your army and intelligence people are involved with Hindu militant groups and MOSSAD to create open warfare between India’s Muslims and Hindus and bring our countries to the brink? The Israelis would love even more than India to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and such incidents would ‘justify’ an attack, so why not engineer them?
My statement is read over to me and it is correctly recorded.
“Age: 21 yrs.
Occupation: Labor, R/ — Faridkot, Tehsil — Dipalpur, Dist — Ukada
State: Suba Punjab, Pakistan
I am as above and reside at the above given address since my birth. I have studied up to 4th standard from Government Primary School. After leaving school in 2000, I went to Lahore. My brother Afzal stays at galli No. 54, R.No. 12, Mohalla — Tohit Abad, near Yadgar Minar, Lahore. I did labor jobs at different places till 2005. During that period I used to visit my native place.
In the year 2005, I had quarrel with my father. Therefore, I left my house and went to Ali Hajveri Darbar at Lahore. At the said place, the boys who had run away from their houses are kept. From there, the boys are sent to different places for employment.
One day when I was there, a person by name Shafiq came there and took me with him. He was in the catering business. He was from Zhelam. I started working with him on daily wages. I was given Rs 120 per day. After some days my salary was increased up to Rs 200 per day. I worked with him till 2007.
While I was working with Shafiq, I came in contact with one Muzaffar Lal Khan, aged 22 years, r/ — Village — Romiya, Tehsil & Dist — Atak, State — Sarhad, Pakistan. As we were not getting enough money, we decided to carry out Robbery/dacoity at some place so that we will get a large amount. As such we left the job.
Thereafter we went to Rawalpindi. We hired a flat at Bangash Colony, Rawalpindi, and started residing in it. Afzal had located a house where he thought we would get a large amount. He had surveyed the said place and drawn a map of the said place. We required some fire-arms for our purpose. Afzal told me that, he could get some fire-arms at his native place but it was very risky as there was frequent checking at his native place.
First contact
While we were in search of fire-arms we saw some L-e-T stalls at Raja bazaar, Rawalpindi, on the day of Bakri-id. We thought that, even if we procured fire-arms, we could not operate them. Therefore, we decided to join L-e-T for weapon training. After making enquiries we reached L-e-T office. In the L-e-T office we met a person. We told him that, we wanted to join L-e-T. He made some enquiry with us, noted our names and address and told us to come on next day.
On the next day we went to L-e-T office and met the same man. One more person was present with him. He gave us Rs 200 and some receipt. Then he gave us the address of a place called Marqas Taiyyaba, Muridke, and told us to go to the said place where L-e-T is having their training camp.
As directed we went to the said place by bus. We showed the receipt given to us at the gate of the camp. We were allowed inside. At the entry gate our details were filled up on two forms. Then we were taken to the actual camp area.
Training camp
At the said place, initially we were selected for 21 days training called Daura-Sufa. From the next day, we started attending training. The daily program was as mentioned below.
04.15 — Wake up call and thereafter namaz
08.00 — Breakfast
08.30-10.00 — Lecture on Hadis and Quran by Mufti Sayyed
10.00-12.00 — Rest
12.00-13.00 — Lunch Break
13.00-14.00 — Namaz
14.00-16.00 — Rest
16.00-18.00 — P.T. and Game Instructor — Fadulla
18.00-20.00 — Namaz and other work
20.00-21.00 — Dinner
After completion of the above said training, we were selected for another training called Daura-Ama. The said training was also for 21 days. We were then taken in a vehicle to a place called Mansera, Buttal Village. At the said place we were given training of all weapons for 21 days.
The daily program was as mentioned below.

04.15 - 05.00 — Wake up call and thereafter namaz
05.00-6.00 — P.T. Instructor — Abu Anas
08.00 — Breakfast
08.30-11.30 — Weapons training. — Trainer — Abdul Rehman, Weapons — AK-47, Green-, SKS, Uzi gun, pistol, revolver
11.30-12.00 — Rest
12.00-13.00 — Lunch break
13.00-14.00 — Namaz
14.00-16.00 — Rest
16.00-18.00 — P.T.
18.00-20.00 — Namaz and other work
20.00-21.00 — Dinner
After completing the said training, we were told that, we will be given the next advance training but for that purpose we have to do some Khidmat for two months (Khidmat is a sort of service in the said camp as per the trainees liking). We agreed to do the Khidmat for two months.
Back to parents
After two months I was allowed to go to meet my parents. I stayed with my parents for one month. Thereafter, I went to L-e-T camp situated at Shaiwainala, Muzzafarabad for further advanced training. At that place they took my photographs and filled up some forms. Then we were taken to Chelabandi pahadi area for training called Duara-khas. The said training was for 3 months.
The training included P.T., handling of all weapons and firing practice of the said weapons, training of handling of Hand grenade, rocket launchers and mortars. The daily program was as mentioned below.
04.15-05.00 — Wake up call and thereafter namaz
05.00-06.00 — P.T. Instructor Abu Mawiya
08.00 — Breakfast
08.30-11.30 — Weapons training handling of all weapons and firing practices of the said weapons, training of handling of hand grenade, rocket launchers and mortars, Green-, SKS, Uzi gun, pistol, revolver, Hand grenade, rocket launchers. Trainer — Abu Mawiya
11.30-12.00 — Rest
12.00-13.00 — Lunch Break
13.00-14.00 — Namaz
14.00-16.00 — Weapon training and firing practice. Lecture on Indian security agencies
16.00-18.00 — P.T.
18.00-20.00 — Namaz and other work
20.00-21.00 — Dinner
Select sixteen
At the said place 32 persons were present for training. Out of these 32 trainees, 16 were selected for some confidential operation by one Zaqi-ur-Rehman Chacha. Out of these 16 trainees 3 trainees ran away from the camp. The above said chacha then sent the remaining 13 of us along with a person called Kafa to the above said earlier camp at Muridke.
At Muridke we were taught swimming and getting acquainted with the environment experienced by a fisherman on a sea. We did some experimental tours by launches on the sea. During the said training we were given lectures on working of Indian security agencies. We were shown the clippings highlighting the atrocities on Muslims in India.
After completing the said training we were allowed to go to our native places. For seven days I stayed with my family members. After seven days I went to the L-e-T camp at Muzzafarabad. The above said 13 of us were present for training. Thereafter as per the instructions of Zaki-ur-Rehman, the above said kafa took us to camp at Muridke.

(DIGRESSION - A LITTLE ON ZAKIUR RAHMAN LAKHVI : “To set up mujahideen networks across India,” Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi told Pakistan’s Nation newspaper in April, 1999, “is our target. We are preparing the Muslims of India against India, and when they are ready it will be the start of the disintegration of India.” READ GREATER PAKISTAN DREAMS HERE - WHICH TIES IN WITH THIS THOUGHT.
According to the USTD, Lakhvi is the Lashkar’s chief of operations. “In this capacity,” the U.S. Treasury Department says, “Lakhvi has directed LET military operations including in Chechnya, Bosnia, Iraq and southeast Asia.” READ ISI MISADVENTURES IN PHILIPPINES AND BOSNIA HERE)
Sea experience
At the said camp again we underwent the training of swimming and getting acquainted with the environment and experience on sea. The training continued for one month. During the said training we were given the lectures on India and its security agencies including RAW. We were also given the training on how to evade the chase by security personnel. We were strictly instructed not to make phone calls to Pakistan after reaching India. The names of the persons present for the said training are as mentioned below.
1) Mohd Azmal @ Abu Muzahid
2) Ismail @ Abu Umar
3) Abu Ali
4) Abu Aksha
5) Abu Umer
6)Abu Shoeb
7) Abdul Rehman (Bada)
8) Abdul Rehaman (Chota)
9) Afadulla
10) Abu Umar
After completion of training, Zaki-ur-Rehaman @ chacha selected 10 of us and formed 5 teams each having two persons on 15 Sept 2008.
VTS team
My team included myself and Ismail. Our code name was VTS team. We were then shown the site ‘google earth’ on internet. On the same site we were shown the information about Azad Maidan, Mumbai, how and where to get down at Mumbai. We were shown the film on VT railway station and the film showing the commuters moving around at rush hours at VT railway station.
We were instructed to carry out the firing at rush hours in the morning between 7 to 11 hours and between 7 to 11 hours in the evening. Then kidnap some persons, take them to the roof of some nearby building. After reaching at the roof top, we were to contact chacha. After that, chacha would give the telephone or mobile no of electronic media. We were then to contact the media persons on the same phone.
And as per the instructions received from Chacha, we would make demands for releasing the hostages. This was the general strategy decided by our trainers. The date fixed for the said operation was 27th Sept 2008. However, the operation was cancelled for some reason. We stayed at Karachi. Again we made practice of travelling by speed boats on the sea. We stayed there upto 23rd nov 2008. The other teams were as mentioned below.
2nd Team
1) Abu Aksha
2) Abu Umar
3rd Team
1) Bada Abdul Rehman
2) Abu Ali
4th Team
1) Chhota Abdul Rehman
2) Afadulla
5th Team
1) Shoeb
2) Abu Umer
On 23rd Nov 2008 the above said teams including our team left from Azizabad, Karachi along with Zaki-ur-Rehman @ Chacha and Kafa. We were taken to the nearby sea shore. At 04.15 hours we reached the sea shore. At the sea shore we boarded a launch. After travelling for 22 to 25 nautical miles we met a bigger launch in the sea. We boarded the said launch and after journey of 1 hour we boarded a bigger ship by name Al-Huseini in the deep sea.
While boarding the said ship each of us was given a sack containing 8 grenades, one A.K. 47 rifle, 200 cartridges, 2 magazines and one cell phone for communication. Then we started towards Indian coast.
When we reached Indian waters, the crew members of Al-Huseini ship hijacked one Indian launch. The seamen from the said launch were shifted to Al-Huseini ship. We were then boarded the hijacked Indian ship. One Indian seaman was kept along with us. At the gun point he took us towards the Indian coast.
Mumbai arrival
After journey of about 3 days, we reached near sea shore of Mumbai. While we were at some distance from the shore, Ismail and Afadulla killed the Indian seaman, (Tandel) at the basement of the said Indian launch. Then we boarded flatable Dinghi and reached Budwar Park Jetty as per the instructions received earlier.
After getting down at Budwar Park I went along with Ismail to V.T. railway Stn by taxi. After reaching the hall of V.T. railway stn. we, i.e. Ismail and myself went to the common toilet, took out the weapons from our sacks, loaded them, came out of toilet and started firing indiscriminately towards the passengers.

Suddenly one police officer in uniform came towards us and opened fire. In retaliation we threw hand grenades towards him and also opened fire towards him. Then we went inside the railway stn threatening the commuters and randomly firing at them.

Then we came out of the railway stn. and started searching for a building with roof top. But we did not find a suitable building. Therefore we entered a lane. Then we entered a building and went upstarts.
On 3rd or 4th floor we searched for hostages but we found that the said building was a hospital and not a residential building. Therefore we started coming down. At that time policemen started firing at us. As such we threw some grenades towards them.
When we were coming out of the hospital premises, we suddenly saw one police vehicle passing in front of us. Therefore we took shelter behind a bush.
Shootout on road
Another vehicle passed in front of us and stopped at some distance. One police officer got down from the said vehicle and started firing at us. One bullet hit my hand and my AK 47 dropped down. I bent to pick it up when second bullet hit me on the same hand. I got injured. Ismail opened fire at the officers who were in said vehicle. They got injured and firing from their side stopped.
We waited for some time and then went towards the said the said vehicle. Three bodies lying there. Ismail removed the three bodies and drove the said vehicle. I sat next to him. While we were moving in the said vehicle, some police men tried to stop us. Ismail opened fire towards them while we were on the move; our vehicle got punctured near a big ground by the side of road.
Ismail got down from the driver seat, stopped a car at the gun point and removed the three lady occupants from the said car. Then Ismail carried me to the car and sat me inside as I was injured. Then he drove the said car.
While we were moving in the said car, we were stopped on the road near sea shore. Ismail fired towards them. Some policemen got injured. Police also opened fire towards us. Due to the police firing Ismail got injured. Then police removed us to some hospital. In the hospital I came to know that Ismail succumbed to the injuries, he has sustained.”

1. Ajmal leased a flat to carry out a robbery. Eventually it led up to joining LeT and carrying out the massacre. Seems unlikely
2. Villagers / relatives told the observer that their village was an active recruiting ground for LeT. This contradicts as Ajmal's statement doesn't show LeT recruited them but they went into the LeT fold.
3. The routine they had doesn't seem leats like commando training. Sleep from 2200 to 0415 hrs, then sleep another 2 hours before and after lunch. Commandos are trained in sleep deprived conditions. Excatly like how these men acted for 2.5 days without sleep.
4. What was done during the 2 months Khidmat period?
5. For the skill those 10 men demonstrated, are 3 months (5 hrs/day) of weapons training enough? Remember, they used Uzis, AK-47s, (possibly MP5s), handguns and explosives. Remember, they knew how to use granades and assemble explosives too!
6. Why sea / marine training in Muridke and Muz'abad when these two areas are extremely far from the sea? Muridke is near Lahore and Muz'abad is in PoKashmir. Did they do ship / fisherman / endurance swimm training in a lake? Unlikely.
7. Chacha said no calls should be made to Pakistan upon reaching India. Why later were they instructed to contact Chacha to get press contact information and instructions on handling of the hostages?
so many loopholes...!!!
and wheres the part where he allegdly has language training to converse in hindi? in conjunction with the language he spoke over d phone!!!
To my learned Pakistani friend (Anon above) - yes two or three points are incoherent and probably expected as the full story is yet to come out. I am confident that as time goes by, the dots and crosses will fit in.
The sea training cannot be at Muridke. It was at Karachi - PNS Iqbal the naval commando base that was the main outlet for the terrorists.
The high end sleep depraved training must have been for a week max or repeated two times over a fortnight - hence not part of routine as is given here. That was near Mangla Dam - near SSG commando HQ.
All of the above, I am expecting will be given sometime in the future.
True, Ajmal went to LeT rather than LeT coming to him, but an exception does not disprove anything. Many people walk into LeT too.
Language training is a must for strike inside enemy territory. The British learnt German - a 2 month course is good enough. What is the big deal of speaking Hindi if one is well versed with Urdu / Punjabi.
I also looked at the no calls to Pakistan on reaching India yet they continued by VoiP / Sat phone. I can only surmise, he would have means no non-secure communications. Though when their ph batt died down, a few terrorists used mobile phones of captors and called Pakistan - either way the logged call would have shown on the "hostage's" phone records.
The full story is yet to come out. Let us at least applaud that this much has come out.
Hamid Mir did say a Ajmal does fit the description of the held terrorist and hails from Faridkot in Pakistan. Observer said so. Wait up, the DNA analysis will prove conclusive, unless his family were to disappear.
no bengal, i am an indian... and i know this is paks work... but the story doesnt seem right.. in no time anybody can find fault with it and we eill look stupid...
and let me answer your reply part by part:
1. The sea training cannot be at Muridke. It was at Karachi - PNS Iqbal the naval commando base that was the main outlet for the terrorists.
Your article says (Ajmal confessed...)
At Muridke we were taught swimming and getting acquainted with the environment experienced by a fisherman on a sea.
cont'd below:
At the said camp (i.e. Muridke) again we underwent the training of swimming and getting acquainted with the environment and experience on sea.
I based it on your article, nothing else. I also suspect it to be PNS Iqbal. All I'm pointing out are the obvious, glaring loopholes in this "confession". I don't know whether this has been fabricated by press or somebody (as how Kasav meaning butcher has been fabricated all this while), or Ajmal is making a fool of us. (either way somebody more sane should have read through it before publishing). If it is an honest confession, PNS Iqbal would definately be mentioned, together with other sensitive information. This may be information fed to him to be used during interogation by his trainers. Remember, he was prepared to die. There's no reason why he won't be prepared to die now to uphold his "Jihad". We definately need to use more brutal methods to get the truth out.
2. The high end sleep depraved training must have been for a week max or repeated two times over a fortnight - hence not part of routine as is given here.
for this kinda training, you dont just start from the blues. you gotta start from somewhere. perhaps 2 days they will keep you awake with minimal food etc. and let you sleep a whole day after that. This process will repeat 3 or 4 times. Then they will train you in a stressed condition for several days (running, shooting with a heavy bag with just dried fruits). That will repeat several times. All together it will take no less than 2 months to become as hardy as they demostrated to be. No person walks in with skills to stay awake for around 5 or 6 days. It must be inculcated. (2.5 days in Mumbai shootout, another couple of days in the sea). They were still going strong when faced with commandos.
In fact one look at the training schedule doesn't suggest it is that of SSG or any commando unit, although their actions matched that of highly skilled assailants. The routine you published looks more lean than a school timetable . Just mastering sea techniques alone (swimming far distances, climbing onto ships for hijacking, diving, and other water survival techniques) would take no less than 3 months. Do you think these youth when they left home knew a thing about hijacking big fishing trawlers or using Dinghis guided by GPS?. They may not even have known how to swim!
3. True, Ajmal went to LeT rather than LeT coming to him, but an exception does not disprove anything. Many people walk into LeT too.
Again don't mistake me. I'm not ruling out anything because he walked into LeT.
Yes, I know that LeT recruits many people yearly to fight / cause havoc in Kashmir. All I'm saying is that it contradicts the Observer's statement that Faridkot is an active recruiting ground for LeT.
This statement from Observer clearly implies that Ajmal was recruited, doesn't it?:
A villager, who cannot be named for his own protection, said the village was an active recruiting ground for the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. 'We know that boy [caught in Mumbai] is from Faridkot,' he said. 'We knew from the first night [of the attack]. They brainwash our youth about jihad, there are people who do it in this village. It is so wrong,' he added.
Remember, Ajmal didn't join LeT from Faridkot but from another village. Also note that he joined LeT for ill intentions (to commit armed robbery), not for "Jihad".
4. Language training is a must for strike inside enemy territory. The British learnt German - a 2 month course is good enough. What is the big deal of speaking Hindi if one is well versed with Urdu / Punjabi.
Yes I understand that a Urdu/Punjabi speaker can master spoken Hindi to native level in a week. But Ajmal, despite giving such a precise account (including his brother's address, schedule of training etc.) seems to miss out the language training part. Strange.
5. I also looked at the no calls to Pakistan on reaching India yet they continued by VoiP / Sat phone. I can only surmise, he would have means no non-secure communications. Though when their ph batt died down, a few terrorists used mobile phones of captors and called Pakistan - either way the logged call would have shown on the "hostage's" phone records.
In fact if I'm not mistaken our media has stated that the terrorists also received calls on their phones from their "controllers" who were giving them real time info from news channels. Clearly contradicts with the instructions that barred phone conversations because sooner or later terrorists would be killed and phones recovered! And if controllers didn't want to be called from India (as they would be linked later once the phones are recovered), then why did they send the terrorists with phones? Had I been a controller I would have given them a precise mission brief that calls for them to act on their own account with no communication to Pakistan from India. By giving phones only encourages calls to be made in difficult situations.
yes some loopholes are clearly present
I saw on TV yesterday that the house where Ajmal's parents lived is now LOCKED and neighbors do not know their whereabouts.
Either the Govt has picked them up for safety reasons or LeT have picked them up for a "vanishing trick".
Either way, you cannot erase a history of a lane, merely by parents disappearing.
BUA - please delete my earlier mail, it had some typos. Thanks
Few things can be stated with certainty, based on news articles, reports and this confession.
1. He came from Faridkot, Pakistan. His parents, brother etc exist and people and neighbours in his "mohalla" (home area) recognize him.
2. He became a "lean fighting machine" and this was done through the offices of Lashkar e Taiba. How it came about can only be gauged, but not fully. Specialized training details need to be given.
3. If point number "2" above is correct, which it is, then it points to agencies who are proficient at making a man a "fighting machine". Here there is a difference. A normal "brainwash" too can make one a fighting machine - but they are "DUMB" fighting machines. These people who came to Mumbai were "SMART, COMMANDO like" fighting machines. Which means - they were trained by "Specialists from the armed forces - most likely from Special Forces". Their signatures in the attacks are unmistakable for any "pro" not to miss.
4. The names of ISI handlers that India and US are insisting helped the train will probably shed light on point 3 above. Hence India / US should name them as soon as possible.
We should keep this a simple agenda which should include:
a) prove conclusively that terrorists came from Pakistan and go for DNA testing to nail this.
b) prove conclusively J-U-D hand and let the intelligence agencies share evidence with ISI - what can be without compromising source of intel - always tricky - hence some intel even if conclusive is never shared with adversary for fear that it might compromise future intel.
c) time to get proper counter terrorism infrastructure and laws in place. Put our own house in order before going after others. Purge corrupt police and politicians in the "pay" of Dawood. Unless this is done, fighting terrorism will be akin to fighting with a hand tied.
Also Ajmal will be under "mind altering drugs" and some of his statements need to be triple verified before it makes it to media.
Indian too will give him "truth serums" and confessions therof might come muddled. His indoctrination and "brain wash" would have been professionally done. Cutting through the layers of identities, webs of lies, is not a easy task. Probably India needs a bit more time, to understand the full complexity of the attacks, methods used, routes, number of camps, number of people in the camps.
Unfortunately, catching another terrorist alive would have been conclusive. Keeping both in separate cells and like classical "game theory" use confessions of one on the other and find out the truth on the ground through India's human intelligence (humint) assets in Pakistan - before making a statement in media.
I am same as Anon above.
DAWN is one of the most prestigious newspapers of Pakistan and in today's edition it is stating:
"During the course of Dawn’s own investigations last week our reporters were able to locate a family who claimed to be the kin of the arrested young man in Mumbai.
The sole survivor among the 10 attackers was named as Ajmal Kasab and was supposed to belong to the village Faridkot in the Punjab. Media organisations such as the BBC and now the British newspaper Observer have done reports trying to ascertain the veracity of claims appearing in the media that the young man had a home there." However, the man who said he was Amir Kasab confirmed to Dawn that the young man whose face had been beamed over the media was his son.
For the next few minutes, the fifty-something man of medium build agonized over the reality that took time sinking in, amid sobs complaining about the raw deal the fate had given him and his family.
“I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it could not have been my son,” he told Dawn in the courtyard of his house in Faridkot, a village of about 2,500 people just a few kilometres from Deepalpur on the way to Kasur. “Now I have accepted it.
“This is the truth. I have seen the picture in the newspaper. THIS IS MY SON AJMAL.”
Hey, Times of India is carrying the Dawn story. Well well well - now what happens to the Hindu Zionist theories .... no wonder there is no Paki response yet.
Humayun Gauhar, you are the son of a prominent person. Did not expect this trash from you. It's a shame really if people like you start writing or perhaps worse, start believing such trash / conspiracy theories without authenticating / back checking facts.
To: Anon @ December 11, 2008 9:00 PM
I am the above anon (5.27 am)
In response to your reply:
Here there is a difference. A normal "brainwash" too can make one a fighting machine - but they are "DUMB" fighting machines. These people who came to Mumbai were "SMART, COMMANDO like" fighting machines. Which means - they were trained by "Specialists from the armed forces - most likely from Special Forces". Their signatures in the attacks are unmistakable for any "pro" not to miss.
Also Ajmal will be under "mind altering drugs" and some of his statements need to be triple verified before it makes it to media.
Straight on the point!
Yes there is adequate indication of brainwash by Ajmal talking about visuals of Gujarat Violence. This inculcates hatred towards the enemy, which is a normal tactic in warfare and terrorism. But still brainwashing CANNOT make a person into a fighting machine as how we saw. A dumb fighter wuld be finished off by our commandos in a few hours. Do you remember Operation Cactus? Our commandos took down 200 LTTE commandos in Maldives in just 24 hours (yes, 200 LTTE commandos in a foreign country in 24 hours). In Mumbai, we needed 3 days to flush out 10 terrorists. (Actually 8, as Ajmal and friend were arrested early). Fighters like the LTTE men can be described as brainwashed youth and "dumb". But even then LTTE soldiers train for 1 year (from what I heard) before undertaking operations. So to say 26/11 assailants were "dumb" fighters is least true. They were constantly moving around the hotel. From day 1 they had established control rooms and captured other key positions including CCTV room.
But in Ajmal's confession, there's no indication about them staying at the hotel and carrying out preliminary assesment of 2 hotels and Nariman house. Google earth is not gonna show you blueprints of buildings. NOBODY can really get around a city like Mumbai to the correct spots by just going through google earth. they must have conducted mock drills. Their actions show that they have stayed and explored the attacked buildings several times before the showdown.
Regarding drugs, these drugs are actually to keep you awake and alert, full stamina. Something like steroids that are banned in Olympics, etc. And these drugs can keep you alert in normal circumstances for 30 or 40 or even 50 hours. but these guys seemed alert for 5 or 6 days non stop. Their voyage from karachi would have taken atleast 3 or 4 days + in mumbai 3 days of non stop shooting. I can bet you no drugs can keep you awake for 6 days even under NORMAL conditions, leave alone travelling on open seas, hijacking boats, evading guards then shooting in a city of 15 mil. Yes, drugs had a part to play, but the most important is the vigorous training they would have been subject to, to endure such a situation. And no way such training can be inculcated in the routine they describe to have had.
According to Ajmal, "Advanced training": 3 hours and 45 mins namaz, 2 and 1/2 hours eating time, 1/2 hour afternoon nap and 7 hours of sleep at night. Looks like a summer camp schedule to me.
This confession does not seem correct. certainly not.
i know ajmal's house is locked and all those other stuff in ToI and other media. all i am commenting is about THIS CONFESSION which looks like a story written by a complete IDIOT who probably had NO PRIOR UNDERSTANDING of the situation, and who HAS NO common sense and knowledge about this subject. It will only make a FOOL out of us in the Paki media with all the glaring loopholes that were highlighted.
to Anon @ 3:47 AM - why are you assuming that they were awake for 5 - 6 days at sea. A normal spl ops of this nature will have at least 2 guys staying awake at any one point of time. Full alert 20 hrs before operations.
The confession is not a full confession - it is just a start and i think 80% of this is true as this is mostly routine and probably already known to "intelligence" chaps.
Interesting would be names of handlers, number of recruits, station of recruits etc etc - which I am sure will not fins its way to a public statement.
anon above (I am anon @ 3.47), let me ask you now, if you were sent on a mission of this nature for the first time in your life, would you be able to sleep on the voyage? remember, you and 9 others are are attacking a sovereign nation of 1 billion. you are encroching in your enemy's borders in a hijacked ship. this is your first mission. no way anybody in this situation can sleep soundly. (note that he was just any ordinary youth like you and me 4 months ago).
yes, they may have rested, but NOT SLEPT. remember, resting and sleeping are different. sleep deprivation can cause vision blurness, migrane, and you can even faint! So its either they have done this many times (that it is normal for them and they can afford to sleep - unlikely in just 4 months of training); or they highly trained to stay alert over prolonged periods (again 4 months training under a summer camp schedule does not correspond).
An average human body needs a barest minimum of 5 hrs sleep/day. i can bet you that anybody put on a mission of this nature would not have been able to have the liberty of sleeping soundly on a sailing ship, because at any time, anything can happen.
please note those points.
The confession is not a full confession - it is just a start and i think 80% of this is true as this is mostly routine and probably already known to "intelligence" chaps.
i seriously don't know what to think about this "confession" other than we are making a mockery of the whole thing. on one hand he gives such precise details like his brother's address, his training schedule, and the ammount of money LeT officer gave him - Rs200).
On the other hand, he forgets KEY, VITAL INFORMATION necessary for this case like i have highlighted in my messages above (eg. regarding language training, how he obtained Taj's and Oberoi's blueprints - evident from the fact they could capture all the key locations in both the massive buildings, what was done during "Khidmat" period, etc). I'm sure Google earth cannot give you Blueprints of buildings. I'm also highly doubtful they knew their way around Mumbai just through looking at an arial view through Google earth.
OK lets forget information he left out, but there also seems to be wrong information like marine / fisherman training at MuridKe (Lahore) and Muzaffarabad (PoK) - both landlocked towns hundreds of miles away from the Arabian sea.
there's no 80%. there's only less than 50% which is already highly questionnable.
Avid Historian
I think we are presuming that if we present a water tight case, Pakistan will fall on its knees and beg for mercy from India. Or maybe if we had a water tight case, UNSC will sanction a war on Pakistan.
What we are seeing is that inspite of having a few solid proof against Pakistan, we are just getting eyewash after eyewash.
I think we have a complete water tight case on the following 3 things :
(1) Ajmal was from Pakistan
(2) He got training from LeT along with others for this mission.
(3) That ISI was involved in this
One Fact :- It is impossible to catch a terrorist of this nature from such an operation let alone two such terrorists - so let us stop imagining playing game theories here
So now what ?
Given the above India reserves the right for a unilateral strike on Pakistan / any action against Pakistan as it deems fit. I mean what more proof do we need to show to Pakistan other than what is there already - but you think they will even own up to anything. These guys have been planning and plotting against us in great detail for years. They know the deniability game very well and inspite of insurmountable evidence are still playing this game so well.
There could be a few loop holes in the confession of a captured terrorist but then we seem to be commenting like experts on sleep deprived training or making too much of the swimming training in Muridke. How do we know that Ajmal is saying things to avoid being killed in the gallows - for example that he joined LeT to learn arms training for his career in robbery. Maybe he is saying these things so that some judge will take a lenient view and keep him alive. What do we know of Jihadi training ? What do we know of sleep deprived training for that matter ? Its obvious he is fibbing to gain sympathy - i mean he knows very weel that his chances of survival lies in India - read Indian high security prison.
Bengal sir, is this the translation of the interview he did on a news channel? i came across it but couldn't understand because I don't know northern languages like hindu or urdu or whatever language he spoke. but is this the translation of it? can you please let me know whether it was an interview or a confession, please? there are too many holes. I'm the ame as anon 8.28, 8.42 and 8.44. the one you accuse as a paki.
Its obvious that these guys have done much more rigorous training that what Ajmal had confessed to. Ajmal is clearly not trying to save the LeT or Pakistan or anybody else - if so he would not taken their name, rather he is trying to play the role of a convict who pleads guilty to save his life. He is doing it to save his own dirty skin. Nobody joins LeT for arms training for furthering their robbery career - they join for only one purpose and that is Jihad. Obviously Ajmal is playing down this rigorous part of the training to save himself. While doing so, he may have not mentioned PNS Iqbal because then he would have been hard pressed to explain how he could have accomplished so much in 3-4 months. Hence the ocean training in Muridke, But I guess this is something that is not so important.
I know a lot of Pakistanis and they can speak Hindi very fluently. The Punjabi side of Pakistan infact speaks Hindi much like any youth in Delhi. It will be extremely difficult to differentiate between the two. So language training is not a must for these guys.
Avid Historian
To sum up :-
(1) Ajmal had no compulsion of telling that he was from Pakistan and that he was born there.
(2) Neither was he under any compulsion to say he received training from LeT. He could have easily said he was from such and such place in India - but then who would have backed him on hist story and then he was afariad that he will be tortured.
(3) In other words, the one thing that was never ever supposed to have happened DID happen. That is the terrorist was caught alive. Nobody planned on this and neither did Ajmal have a back up convincing story.
(4) He did the best under the circumstance and that is he told the story quite truthfully as he had no backup story but hid the fact that he had joined Let for Jihad. He made up some obscure story of joining to further his robbery career. So he threw in a lot of truth but on his own personal bit he hid facts. That is where the loopholes start appearing.
(5) Naturally the training he would received for an operation of this nature would have entailed maybe a year or maybe more of training. The PNS Iqbal bit must have lasted 5-6 months. The sleep deprived training also must have been of similar duration. But if Ajmal says all this, then his story that he joined Let to further his robbery career will not stand.
Nonetheless I beleive that what Ajmal has confessed has helped in proving that Pakistan was behind the attacks and that it DID NOT GET AWAY THIS TIME WITH COMPLETE DENIABILITY. That I feel is the biggest contribution of this confesson.
That these terrorists were in touch with their masters in Pakistan through cellphones / sat phones have also been proved. That the SIM cards were purchased from many places including some 34 from Kolkata has also been proved. It is obvious that Pakistan wanted to escalate tensions - maybe to move their army to the Indian border. They did not want complete deniability in any case. The way Zardari started responding starting from his famous "Non State Actors" remark shows that the PR was also well coordinated.
Pakistan wanted India to believe that the attacks emanated from its soil.
However this captured terrorist gave away one clue too many..
A few clarifications on commando attacks of this type. Yes, one can stay awake and operational after 6 whole days without sleep - with help from capsules like "Belfast bullet". After the "raid", these commandos need "campose" shots in their veins to induce them to sleep.
Most likely scenario however in this case, they were buddy teams of 5 (2 in each team). One buddy rests (sleep, rest, most likely an enhanced state of tranquility) while the other is on guard. Even 6 hrs before operation, they would do weapons inspection, ammo check, layout and drills, before the beach landing.
These guys were pros, not trained in 4 months - over a year most likely and in phases.
avid historian, you wrote:
we seem to be commenting like experts on sleep deprived training or making too much of the swimming training in Muridke.
I am commenting because I know for fact that just training for close quarter encounter in police forces take around 1 1/2 months. If you have friends/relatives in the police, just ask them! And close quarter training is for people who already have firearm training. Normal firearm (handgun) training in most police forces takes ateast another 2 months. These guys were above commando standards and you tell me they trained for only 3 or 4 months? rubbish. Normal police training in EU countries is 7 months (only main training - physical). It can't be much different in India. You know how our police were helpless against them. Then add on marine training, training for explosives etc. no way 3 or 4 months.
How do we know that Ajmal is saying things to avoid being killed in the gallows - for example that he joined LeT to learn arms training for his career in robbery.
And thats what we don't want!! We should get the truth from him. He cannot escape the gallows even if he says he was coerced to commit the massacre. So the govt should hoodwink him to tell the complete truth and he will be spared from a death sentence. And since he doesn't have contact with the outside world they should have tricked him saying that another terrorist was also captured -prompting him to be honest. Now it's not too late. They can still say that they have arrested Chacha in Nepal or somewhere and get the truth out of him.
You guys should understand, the minute there's a single loophole in a confession, it will give ways to bigger conspiracy theories. this confession is full of holes. ok, he may be trying to spare his life, but the police SHOULD CROSS EXAMINE the facts he provided and ensure it has no loopholes before publishing his interview!
Bengal sir, again i am asking you, where did you get the transcript of this interview from?
sorry,I have never heard of "Belfast bullet" although i know drugs like Provigil (which is used in military / commando operation) and Coke (cocain based) can keep you awake over long periods but not more than 60 hours. And these drugs introduce side effects like causing weakening of muscles, vision blurring and reducing blood pressure - which are negative attributes for an operation of this type - once the dose runs out.
i maintain my stand one can rest, but surely not sleep soundly on such a mission (ie during the ship voyage). (why, i cannot even sleep on a 14 hour flight journey from Singapore to UK although my mind's clear)!!
Avid Historian
To my Anon friend December 12, 2008 10:01 AM. I am picking up a part of what you have written :-
" These guys were above commando standards and you tell me they trained for only 3 or 4 months? rubbish."
Where did I say that these guys received training for only 3-4 months. I did not say anything of this sort.
Rather I have categorically stated that "5) Naturally the training he would received for an operation of this nature would have entailed maybe a year or maybe more of training. The PNS Iqbal bit must have lasted 5-6 months."
So whose report you were rubbishing you yourself know but to me it seems you have limited knowledge of these matters and went overboard with your reactions.The information that you have given so far on these matters are less than basic if you ask me.
Guys (apologies to women - though I doubt other than Indrani Bagchi types, others will even come sniffing distance to this blog) - one day I hope to give you a stunning account from one Indian commando operation. Not now, as the guy is in active duty, and to be true to him, he has not stated much other than some tid-bits which were hair raising in themselves.
The way they have butchered Pakistani SSG commandos in Kargil and other places is nothing short of amazing and this is not misplaced bravado.
Hopefully if he were to leave active duty and allows himself to say something "interesting" that can be shared, I will not hesitate to share it with you all.
Till then, let us rest in knowledge, that we have one of the most potent fighters in the world.
Avid historian, i was commenting about 3-4 months training that is stated in the article. I didn't mean anything personally. Just read the article once again and you'll see the full training period was only 4 months (according to Kasab).
Now regarding training, here's the information for compulsory training needed for policing in Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland:
Basic training: After passing an entry level exam (i.e. written test, followed by an interview and medical exam), candidates start a 24-month basic training programme that consists of:
12 months training in theory;
2 months ‘on the job’ training at a police station;
7 months main training at the Training Centres; and
3 months ‘on the job’ at a police station.
Basic training concludes with a final exam.
Continuing training: This is offered according to the needs and requirements of the service, as well as to educate more specialized officers (e.g. criminal investigation officers), commandos etc.
Information was directly from my guidebook. The only reason I am talking with confidence is because I am with the forensics investigation (Class 2 firearms division) in an EU country. I am closely affiliated with special forces, emergency forces and other security agencies. I'm not crapping. Of course you have a choice not to believe and I'm not gonna move an inch further to satisfy anybody. I have just highlighted my thoughts. You're free to draw your own opinion.
On another note, anybody who has done class 2 rafting or kayaking for the first time would themselves know how long it takes to be good at it, what more class 6 (which would be the training required to use Dighis on the open sea).
Avid Historian
To Anon at December 14, 2008 3:20 AM :-
Frankly your objections to the confessions had opened my mind to 2 things. That is the training must have been much more intensive than what Qasab was stating. Secondly Qasab was also fibbing as to what his original motives were of joining LeT. Qasab is obviously a very smart chap and all the moves he has taken so far indicates that. That he is a thinking guy has been proved over and over again. I mean if I were in his place ( GOD forbid !!! ), my brain cells would have stopped functioning long back. But he is still thinking, still manouevering - no wonder he was selected for this job.
Yes Avid Historian buddy, he's certainly a tough nut to crack, and the reason so is because he has been toughened by the ISI / Islamists so hard that police interrogation doesn't seem to be doing much. Come on, a normal person, when brought to the interrogation table in cuffs (for commiting petty crimes like theft etc) spit out everything and anything fearing the worst.
As I said the story may be twisted to make his sentencing more lenient (awaiting the gallows in prison is the worst torture ever).
But if he can twist his own story for his benefit, what can make us believe he's not twisting / hiding other crucial facts? (e.g. truth about his trainers / Pak army's role / other elements in Pakistan or even India).
It's clear he's trying all he can to save his ass by repenting his actions, saying he was brainwashed etc. just to draw sympathy.
IMO the best way to have dealt with this guy (should have been done earlier) was to have told him that 2 others were captured alive and are in hospital. He then would have been more inclined to speak the truth. Now he knows he's the only one and there's no way police can do a cross examination with anybody else.
And finally in my estimate, to become a fighting machine of marine commando standards (as how they displayed), he must have undergone no less than 1 year of rigorous training (not like the one he claimed to have where there was so much rest / namaz time).
Avid Historian
Correct buddy - this is a hardened guy to the core. But do you even think for a while that he is really repenting - I mean killing so many innocents may have some effect ? No that I am advocating any softness but just curious. As I said your arguments had opened my mind to 2 very crucial things. And yes you are also right that ordinary folks will shit in their pants just to sit in front of the police. Though I will differ on certain points, but definetely your inputs were very valuable.
Hi Avid Historian buddy, if you ask me if he has repented from the bottom of his heart, from feeling guilty of killing so many innocent people, answer is most likely NO.
Whether he regrets his actions on the whole, which has caused his entire life to be wasted (he's only 20), perhaps yes.
So in short, he repents the damage he's done on himself, but not to India or the Indians.
He has to be executed. Whether that will happen is questionnable (considering the Afzal Guru story).
India should follow the suit of Singapore, where anybody caught peddling drugs will receive a mandatory death penalty, no matter how, why, where. We noticed that when they executed the Vietnamese Australian sometime back.
Similarly, India should fix the death penalty as mandatory to anybody convicted of plotting/executing/facilitating terrorism activities that can cause death to innocent people.
I'm not in India, but I really hope the Indian people of 1 billion use their voice wisely to canvass for a bill to be passed in this effect. There should also be an ISA (internal security act) whereby anybody suspected of being a threat to national security can be arrested and locked-up for maximum of 2 years before a case is established.
Yes, it infringes on basic human rights and India may come on the list of leading countries carrying out the death penalty, but isn't it worth the trade off for safety and security?
There may be serious holes in Kasab's confessions and enough has been deliberated upon. But what I really end up pondering about is - Just how seemingly easy it is to brain-wash a poverty ridden young lad and 'train' him and scores like him for suicide missions such as these. All in the name of what - mashab? And of what good will mashab ever be, to pawns like Kasab or his ilk?
Ignorance and poverty are the greatest menace that mankind faces.
What the fuck is our MEA (Min of External Affairs) doing? They wasted the whole of yesterday and said that they have not recd any letter from Ajmal Kasav. Now they are saying they have. Get the act together !!
In the meantime, Pakistan ISI is cleaning off Faridkot. Kasav's parents have "vanished" and their house "locked up".
Thank God for the Dawn news and the Geo TV secret camera expose - otherwise India, by itself, could have proved nothing. Not that this is over yet.
No politician in Pakistan has yet stated that Kasav is a Pakistani.
thanx to dawn (india's pawn) and observer
You guys cannot stomach any truth - specially if it exposes your blatant lies.
So now DAWN newspaper becomes India's PAWN!
Sick F*******.
well said
Muslim duality -They claim they are purer and more holier but they cannot take the truth. Only the Devil shies away from the truth or light.
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